04 Nov How to Keep Your Air Conditioner in Good Condition During the off Season
It’s that time of year when your furnace is getting all the love. Rightly so considering it’s got a lot of work to do heating your home this fall and winter. But, let’s not turn our backs on the trusty air conditioner just yet, even though it’s about to get a few months off. Come next spring and summer, you’ll be glad you took a little time to keep your air conditioner in good condition during its off season.
Do you need a fall inspection of your A/C before you turn it off for the season?
You usually don’t need to worry about getting your A/C inspected in the fall, especially if you just had it serviced the previous spring before you turned it on. That being said… If you noticed anything wonky about your air conditioner over the summer, such as strange sounds, higher summer utility bills, lots of thermostat adjusting to stay cool, etc., now might be a good time to call out a professional to take a look.
Rather than wait months to handle any concerns about your A/C, why not kill two birds with one HVAC service appointment? Let us know what they are when you schedule your fall furnace maintenance appointment, and our HVAC technicians can do both when we’re out.
How to prepare your air conditioner for the long, cold winter
Your A/C unit is built to withstand Kansas City weather. It’s designed, of course, to sit outdoors for years. Yet, some homeowners believe they are protecting their units by encasing them with an A/C cover or wrapping them tightly in plastic. The fact of the matter is that air conditioner covers can cause more harm than good. The cover keeps moisture from rain, frost, snow and ice from naturally evaporating. Instead, it stays trapped in the unit, where it can lead to rust. Animals are another reason not to cover your A/C. When covered, the inside of your unit becomes a nice, little protected area for small animals to ride out winter.
If you live on a heavily treed lot or your A/C is right underneath an eave, consider just covering the top with a piece of plywood and securing it. That will be sufficient to keep leaves out and protect it from falling icicles.
While you’re raking leaves anyway…
As you mow for the last time for the season, rake leaves and clean out flower beds, pay close attention to the area around your air conditioner. Remove any dead plants or shrubbery, prune any leaves or branches getting too close to the unit and rake up any dead leaves and grass clippings around your unit.
Let’s head indoors now…
Change your air filter. It’s recommended your filter be changed every three months, and if you or your service technician changed it during your spring tune-up, then it’s time. If you change it yourself, make sure the arrow is pointing toward the blower. Air filters catch dust and particles, keeping them out of your home and your HVAC system. This simple task can affect your indoor air quality, your utility bills (since your HVAC doesn’t have to work as hard to blow air), and the longevity of your HVAC system.
Call Chief’s HVAC Specialists for HVAC Service Every Spring and Fall
If you haven’t scheduled your furnace maintenance appointment yet, now’s the time. Our HVAC experts are standing by. We’ll make sure your furnace and air conditioner are in optimal operating order year after year. Want to put your HVAC system maintenance on auto pilot? Save money with the Chief Protection Plan.